
Fascineum already built:

  • 11 Chocolate museums
  • 1 Fries museum
  • 1 Wine museum
  • 1 Lamp museum


With its experience, Fascineum can create a tailor-made museum for you based on the theme you choose.

Our team

Our team is composed of qualified people in each sector (Design, script writing, layout).

About us

Any questions?
Please fill up the contact form and we will answer you as soon as possible.

Why Choose Fascineum?

Here are a few reasons why our customers choose Fascineum.

At Fascineum we are fascinated by the transmission to the general public of the history and traditions of food trades and specialties.
We do this in a modern, didactical way, interesting and pleasant for all ages and for individuals, families or group visits.

We have in our team historians, text writers, digital specialists and item collectors.
This enables us to propose modern museum concepts, with a balance between digital appliances and historical collections.

We started our activities in 2004.
Since then we created 11 chocolate museums, a potato fry museum, a wine museum and a technical museum about the history of home lighting.

Creating a museum is a very difficult and sensitive project.
Experience in making it successful is key.
We are interested in helping you create your own museum or to go into partnership.
We help you find the right location, size and exhibit.

Latest Realizations

Check out some of our awesome projects.

Choco-Story Lourdes:

The Museum of Chocolate and Religious Festivals has recently opened its doors. The theme is different from others as it closely relates to the religious nature of the site and offers pilgrims the opportunity to visit a collection of pilgrimage linked relics and souvenirs.

Lumina Domestica:

The lamp museum shows you the fascinating history of indoor lighting. You get a clear picture of the evolution from torch and grease lamp to incandescent lamp and LED. You will discover the largest collection of lamps in the world consisting of more than 6,000 antique objects.

Wine museum:

THE ALSATIAN WINES experience opened in 2022.

You will learn how the vines are cultivated, the grapes are grown and harvested and wine is made.

Totally interactive, made for families with their children where you can try some wine or juice at the end of the visit.

Fascineum Consulting


If you desire to establish a museum but lack the knowledge or contacts, Fascineum Consulting could be an option for you. With its museum expertise, it's easy to create an engaging and informative experience for the audience.

What are the steps?

You first need to have a concept and a location.

Then Fascineum will be able to make a tailor-made museum based on your requests.

Content, texts, audioguide, scenography, digital appliance, interactive games, tour and accomodations will be studied internally and the proposed to improve together.

Joint venture

If we are interested in the project and you are looking for a partner, we could go to a joint venture and make the project together.

Our Team

Text writers

It is necessary to write the texts in an engaging manner.
Next, they are translated into several languages and recorded by actors whose native language is the target language.


We have historians working on the texts, guarantying their authenticity, and ensuring the selection of texts that are most suitable for the audience. Each theme is addressed separately.


Creating a museum tour is crucial, while maintaining a common thread from start to finish. Objects need to be displayed to showcase their value while also evoking enthusiasm and wonder in the visitors. Our team consists of several experienced scenographers specialized in museum creation.


As collectors, we are able to collect many items. We have 6500 lamps, 8000+ objets related to chocolate, 200 to wine.
In relation with a lot of antique dealers, we can build a collection easily.

Digital specialists

We collaborate with a company specialized in digital content. It is possible to make the visit entertaining and fun for everyone, as well as to present content in other formats.

About Us

Convinced? Let's make something great together.


+32 495 45 54 63